Airsoft is responsible for everything!

During my several years of active participation in this game, I was, like most, driven by the desire to have, on, and around me only the latest, greatest, and most military gear that was obtainable at the time. Because the more original, the more military! And extra bonus points for the cool factor, right. And that's what guys are all about! In addition, thanks to the rich inspiration in cinematography , paracord bracelets also began to appear. It's simply worn today, so me too!

In addition to the fact that the bracelets looked good, liked to be photographed, did not get in the way and were generally worn well, they also fulfilled a practical function. And that's exactly what happened to one of them during the summer day at the exact moment when the starter rod of the power plant broke off during the multi-day event. There were too many straps and "duct tape" everywhere for kilometers, a classic, but strong rope for people to look at. The decision to go without electricity for the rest of the event or continue to flaunt my wrist with a cool bracelet was swift and merciless. In no time I was left with only a small plastic buckle in my hand and a tear in my eye, but whatever, we can light and charge! Yes, even such nonsense as a working light bulb in the middle of the forest has its charm.

Clearly convinced of the practical side of this trendy piece of equipment, I keep it with me all the time even today. Whether in the form of a bracelet, pendant or just a few meters of parachute cord .

airsoft era

Paracord for cheap

<p style="text-align:justify;">On the basis of this experience, the idea of equipping others with this practical equipment accessory is also logically born. As many of them as possible. I wrap them all in paracord! Yes, naive and foolish, but the foundations of further business were laid during 2012. The period of searching and choosing a supplier began and, among other things, I also bought several meters directly from a solidly presented Chinese man, from China, for a few small bucks and a five-star rating. Peck, that will be a margin!

Well, she wasn't and she won't be. Because the difference between paracord honestly made vs. paracord cheaply made for hoes and drills is noticeable. By touch, sight and smell when you try to seal it. It stinks! In addition, it sticks to everything and what's worse, it doesn't stay sealed together. Terror. I'm not saying that it's impossible to find a quality supplier, but there was neither time, nor mood, nor money for that. Because all this "Chinese mess" went in a three-point arc across the room straight into the trash.

teapot paracord

Blue two wheeler

Due to my approach to this work, I can afford what others cannot and consider to be pure nonsense and stupidity. However, a customer with a reasonable attitude is in the first place for me, so from time to time it is necessary to upset him with something. For example, by delivering the order the same day, to the next town, in person, on a motorbike. Where can you find it today?

blue two wheeler


Over the years and kilometers, literally, processed cords I am constantly trying search for patterns, ideas and accessories that both look good and last and survive their intended purpose and use. That is why I most often work with materials such as stainless steel, bronze or brass . For the more demanding, I also use silver, gold and precious stones. Imagination and wallet really have no limits here and as they say "only sky is the limit". In addition, I compare my art, ideas put into practice and ego with other producers. And most often on the much-loved Instagram , discussion groups or international competitions. One must constantly learn and improve.


We like animals

The result of the effort above was the gradual appearance and expansion of various equipment for dogs . Because it's nice to be able to dictate exactly how I want the leash and collar to look. Either separately or together . And then don't pay, don't pick up and make a dead bug. But those are definitely just exceptions.. And then also because cats don't really do anything like that they won't appreciate it, they really won't, sizzle and claw at you. In 2024 , a separate e-shop and a profile on Instagram and Facebook are created just for dogs.

And because I like to do things honestly and want to rely on them, before putting them on sale, the construction of leashes and collars is long-term tested on our dogs, the dogs of our friends and acquaintances and, above all, service dogs, specifically by the dog handler unit of the Municipal Police. city of Prague during their training and deployment.

service dog during training

What will be next?

The offer is constantly changing, as are the knitting patterns and the accessories, ornaments and trinkets used. That is the standard offer. What a person invents on the side can always be produced by agreement. Not immediately, but in the end everyone was satisfied and happy to come back for more.

We currently have two new additions at home that are of great interest to paracord spools. Especially their ability to roll cutely on the workshop floor. Even after unwinding 50m, it doesn't stop entertaining them. A mystery.. I kind of hope that at least one person can be held responsible for all of this. But who knows, it's still a long way off. Wish us luck.




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